Thursday, January 6, 2011

Heading Home Part 2

In just a few hours my bf and I are getting on a plane to head back to Vancouver. We've been home in Ontario for nearly 3 weeks! (read: forever) It's been a bit of a whirlwind. The first week and a half leading up to Christmas I was working at my old store. I worked every day and needless to say, it was a bit hectic. Then of course, there was the whole Christmas thing. Followed by almost a week up at the cottage. And now, the last few days have been busy seeing the as many people as possible, and attempting to pack (keyword: attempting).

Now for the Reality Check! Life as a vacation needs to come to an end. We've both started this crazy adventure with quitting our jobs in July, travelling around Europe for 3 months, trying to pack our lives for a month, and then heading out to Vancouver and enjoying the city for a little while, and then finishing it all off with the holidays spent with our families.

That's a bit of a life change to happen in 6 months time.

My first move is to find a job. To me this sounds simple, but I have a feeling it will be a little tougher than I thought. I've worked since i was 16, even through college. It was a lot for me to decide to quit my job those few months ago, but i definitely don't regret it at all. What I'm saying is, I miss that challenge everyday. I take pride in my work and I can only hope my future workplace will take pride in me!

That was a bit more of a rant then I was intending for this lovely, Ontario, Thursday morning.

Vancouver, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the jobhunting Holly :)

    I'm not sure what you're looking for in particular. But for office/admin., there's Craigslist. I can email you the link if you like.



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