Thursday, February 24, 2011


Whenever I don't feel great, I always get a little down on myself. It gets me thinking about all the shoulda, woulda, coulda's out there and I end up either super depressed or super motivated. I'm hoping super motivated is the outcome this time.
My Bf has officially gotten a job, and today was his first day, so that's very exciting news. I made his lunch for him and even hid a little love note in it. I'm so proud of him. In that sense, our lives are starting to come together. And I'm trying to use this as my motivation. I have so many ideas and don't quite know where to start. I guess you could say I'm having a bit of a quarter life crisis. But don't worry about me, I'll figure it all out in due time. First things first, feel better!


  1. It was so awesome meeting you too Holly! You really made me blush lol. Glad your bf found a job and don't have a quarter life crisis! Everything will work out. Hope to run into you again soon :D

  2. i completly understand u. i went through the same phase last week.obviously i dont know the reason why you werent feeling great, but all i can tell u for me is i tried to cut out the negativity and i feel so much better now. focus on the things that u know u do well and never compare yourself with others. thats the only advice i can give u.
    btw welcome to vancouver too since i see from your profile u have just moved here!


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