Friday, April 29, 2011

weekend update - a little (alot) late!

Hello Everyone! No, don't worry, I'm not dead. I swear! I have just had a super crazy week, which always leads to being a bad blogger (missing 4 days worth of posts). If it wasn't a long hard work day, it was due to not feeling well, or needing to catch up on some sleep (there's nothing wrong with going to bed while the sun is still out). And yes, all is well with me, but my full attention just needed to be else where this week. Thanks for understanding guys!

Now. Let's get to this last weekend! (even though the current weekend is pretty much beginning right now).
Pretty much the highlight of my weekend was a visit to the Vancouver Aquarium. I loved it! I'm a big Zoo/animal person, so this was right up my ally (and having a coupon for BOGO on admission was a huge plus!). My Bf and I walked from our place (in kits) all the way to Stanley Park (and back afterwards) and it was just lovely walking through the city hand in hand.We got to see the Amazon Exhibit before it closes down at the end of the month. Butterflies fly free in this area and they can land right on you! The blue one was my favourite. We also checked out the Beluga Whales, Otters (Bf's fave), and Dolphins. The Vancouver Aquarium is definitely a must-see for all Vancouverites and visitors.

Here's the link for the Vancouver Aquarium
if you'd like to learn more!


  1. Love the English Bay photo. We definitely need more of the sun :)


  2. Ooh nice, I didn't realize that you were from Vancouver. I'm in Seattle so that's actually not too far away - maybe I will have to visit the aquarium on a free day!



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