Saturday, August 20, 2011


Tomorrow my Bf leaves for Hungary to visit with family for 10 days (he's not Hungarian, but his Step-Mom is). His trip has been in the works for a bit, but wasn't finalized by any means until roughly 2 weeks ago. We needed to sort out logistics and a little bit of money woes, but now he's finishing up his last day of work before heading out tomorrow afternoon.
Hungary is such a beautiful place. He'll be about an hour or so outside of Budapest, in a little village called Lovas. We visited when we were on our big European adventure last summer and I just loved it (I hadn't quite made it there far in Travel Tuesday, but don't you worry, I'm going to get us caught up in no time). It's a small little vineyard village where everyone knows one another and takes the time to say hello, which in Hungarian 'szia' (pronounced see-ya. sidenote: 'hello' means goodbye, yes i love the irony too). His Step-Mom is even the Deputy Mayor!
This means that I'm Bf-less for a whole 10 days!! We'll see how this goes, it'll be the longest we've ever been apart (even when I went home for a visit a few moths ago, it was only for a week!). I hope a) I don't burn down the house and b) I don't starve.

Feel free to check up on throughout the week.....just in case!

These are a few photos from our visit last summer.


  1. These pictures are amazing (:
    Makes me want to go, too!!

    I hope he has an amazing time visiting his family!

  2. Ahhh this post makes me want to travel. Hungary would be amazing!



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