Thursday, August 9, 2012

2 Days of...zzz

Yes, these photos are at night.
Yes, I look very tired in them.
Yes, only one photo per day due to the prior statement.
And Yes, I wore other outfits during the day at work and didn't document them.
Bare with me while I get used to my new schedule!
I have to wear all black at work, so I've been very good and wearing black only out of my 30 items, high five! So that does add a little bit more of a challenge to my....challenge.
We have some friends in town so both of these photos were taken while out visiting with them after work.  On Day 4, I managed to totally change out of work clothes, but Day 5...not so much.  I changed out my black cardigan for my chambray shirt and called it a night.
Here's to a better effort tomorrow!

Click HERE to see Ashly's Day 3 & Day 4 outfit!!

p.s. Just to clarify, each Day's outfit is posted the following day.  So, look forward to seeing Day 6 (today Thursday), up tomorrow, Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Love both outfits. So relaxed and casual.



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