Friday, September 7, 2012

last day!

This is the final outfit of my 30x30 challenge, and wow, it's a pretty boring one.  Jeans and t-shirt, hey, at least it's a classic!  I was pretty relieved to have finally completed this crazy challenge and get use of the rest of my closet.  Oh and shop! 
I'll be honest by saying, it's kind of lame, that the thing I'm most looking forward to is expanding my work wardrobe.  That was a challenge in itself, seeing that I didn't quite plan my work wardrobe to be outfits.  I just picked a couple of black items and figured that would do.  I already know of a few items I need to even that out, and actually create looks and outfits that are cohesive and not just black bottoms and tops.  The big sale I went to was a great starting off point (I'll share with you those finds soon!).  
Look forward to my recap next week! 
Here's Ashly's final 30x30 outfit!


  1. I love the jeans, such a cute colour :-)

  2. Well done on completing the challenge! Great outfit posts. Been quite fun seeing how you ahev managed to stick to the clothes you picked out, not sure if I could have done it. Have fun wearing the rest of your wardrobe haha! x


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