Monday, April 1, 2013

On the Want List.... iphone case

It's official I've joined team iphone!  And now I'm on the market for an awesome phone case.  I obviously need the feature of phone safety, I may be the most clumsy person you know, but I also want it to be fun and pretty.  These are a few I found around the web.  
(Currently I have this Speck Case)

1.Kate Spade - La Pavillion Case $40.00
3. Forever 21 - Pyramid Spike Case $9.80
4. Urban Outfitters - Fun Stuff Mustache $16.00

Any suggestions?


  1. I could look at phone cases all day. So addicting. I gotta say I love the mustache.
    If you get a second, give me your thoughts on my latest post! I l'd love to hear from you!


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