Monday, March 25, 2013


So, you may have seen this going around on all kinds of social media, and now, it's finally made it's way over to me, via the beautiful Brooke, of Her Life Lately.
Here goes!

one ||  I'm the only person in my immediately family that goes by my given first name.  My parents both go by there middle names, and my sisters go by different versions of their first names.

two || I'm so happy to have Kea, our dog, in our lives.  It's like it was destiny for her to be ours.

three || I can compare pretty much anything in life to and episode of  'How I Met Your Mother' and/or 'The Simpsons'.  And have it actually make sense.

four || I've never been on an all inclusive vacation.  This needs to be fixed immediately.  Any takers?

five ||  As a child, I used to have a recurring dream.  It involved the lighthouse in the small town of our family cottage, and going up the round staircase over and over.  Sometimes it was a scary nightmare, sometimes it was nice and soothing.

Bet you didn't know these things about me!!
Brooke also tagged a couple of other bloggers, so check them out! Ashly of Ashly & Monkey, and Margot of Around the World and Back Again

1 comment:

  1. YAY! now I know five more things about you! I laughed out loud at number three! so awesome.


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