Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy 1 Year Vancouver!

So, it's official.  I've been in Vancouver for a year! The Bf and I have really made this move happen.  We have permanent jobs, we love our apartment, and we're happy.  Then why do I feel so down?  Ever since the light bulb came on and the one year mark came, I've been feeling very reflective about the past year and the few years before that.  Moving across the country was such a big decision and I think I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that, thus far things have worked out.  Don't get me wrong, I love living in Vancouver, I love being here with the most wonderful man, I love the little life we've created together and I wouldn't want it to be with anyone else, but I still fee like something is......not wrong, not missing, but just something.  I have an idea of what it is, and I think it's really silly of me to think it, and by no means am I asking for sympathy or anything, but it's really difficult to make friends somewhere new.  Somewhere where we knew a very small hand full of people and of course, those people are very special to us, but they have their own lives and their own things to do and I understand that.  Back home the Bf and I had a very close-knit group of friends and family that really support us.  You've all heard me talk about my sisters, and how close we are, they're like my best friends.  I miss that companionship, that feeling that they know me and every time we see each other its picking up where we last left off and being silly and quirky together.  Calling up a friend and saying hey, let's meet in our usual spot and grab a coffee, and you end up talking about nothing, but it still means something.
I think I'm just coming to the realization that in order to meet new people and create relationships I hold the key in my hands.  Only I can put myself out there.  Only me.

Happy 1 year Vancouver!

Thank you to all of you.  With this blog I've been able to express myself and my thoughts no questions asked.  I appreciate each and every person that reads.  
Thanks for letting me rant.


  1. Love you Holly! I know that you know I truly understand what you mean. It's a wonderful place to live. But no matter how long you are there it won't be "home". But home is something you can always come back to. Trust me. I think if you can last longer than I did and hit the two year mark you will really feel settled. And you know that I'm always here for you :) or there! When I can get on a plane next I will be!

  2. Happy 1 year (and many more!) Holly.

    I'd love to meet you some day :)


  3. I know where you are coming from! My bf and I have had the same difficulties making friends. We moved from Victoria about a year ago as well and had such a cool group of friends and then we came to Vancouver and there was nothing. It felt so empty... Now we are starting to make friends and build communities but I never suspected it would take THIS LONG. Making friends gets harder as you get older I think. One thing that has worked for us: This year we did join a just for fun co-ed flag football team and it did give us something social to do together. Plus it was nice to feel apart of something again.


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